Lesbian love

1.See Lesbianism.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
A FORMER Bond girl gives a compelling turn as a predatory jazz age socialite in this real-life lesbian love story.
VITA AND VIRGINIA (12A) HHH HH A FORMER Bond girl gives a compelling turn as a predatory jazz age socialite in this real-life lesbian love story.
Here are lesbian love spells from ancient Rome; censored chapters of the Kamasutra; Native American two-spirit rituals; centuries-old erotic gay and lesbian art; and much more.
GREAT British Bake Off's Sandi Toksvig has blasted Olivia Colman hit The Favourite for failing to bring true lesbian love to the big screen.
Great British Bake Off's Sandi Toksvig has blasted The Favourite for failing to bring true lesbian love to the big screen.
[USA], Sep 22 (ANI): A Kenyan High Court has temporarily lifted the ban on a lesbian love story titled 'Rafiki', thus giving the movie a chance to qualify for the 'foreign language film' category at the 91st Oscars.
Mombasa, Kenya Kenya's High Court Friday temporarily lifted a ban on a film about a lesbian love affair to fulfil a requirement for Oscar nomination.
She championed lesbian visibility, lesbian love, lesbian desire.
While embracing the way queerness has long permeated the horror genre, Monsters also presents lesbian love (and sex) as a kind of haven in the storm or an antidote to the horrors (sexual and otherwise) that seem to inundate Karen's world.
Portas discovers that the heiress kept detailed diaries about her financial concerns, her work to restore the estate - and her lesbian love affairs.
For Brooke it was an escape from her character Sophie's lesbian love triangle with Kate and Caz, right.
Hundreds of thousands of lesbians were moved and validated by the story, and the storytelling craft influenced decades of writers that followed in Forrest's footsteps to write stories exclusively focused on lesbian love.
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