Leibnitz's rule

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Leibnitz's rule

(Mathematics) a rule for finding the derivative of the product of two functions. For a first derivative it is d(uv)/dx = udv/dx + vdu/dx
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The goal of this section is to demonstrate that, via a Green's function spectral domain approach and careful application of Leibnitz's rule, the apparent depolarizing dyads are removable for an unbounded homogeneous uniaxial anisotropic medium, leading to a mathematically and physically consistent theory.
Now that the solutions to the wave equations for potentials [??] and [??] have been found, it is shown next that the current terms [u.sub.e] and [u.sub.h] in (38) and (39) are canceled via careful application of Leibnitz's rule [36,37]:
The [a.sub.ij]'s are derivatives of products of the form [[x.sup.-p][f.sup.q]] which can be expanded using Leibnitz's rule to terms involving powers of x and derivatives at x.