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or Leib·nitz  (līb′nĭts, līp′-), Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von 1646-1716.
German philosopher and mathematician. He invented differential and integral calculus independently of Newton and proposed an optimist metaphysical theory that included the notion that we live in "the best of all possible worlds."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈlaɪbnɪts) or


(Biography) Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von (ˈɡɔtfriːt ˈvɪlhɛlm fɔn). 1646–1716, German rationalist philosopher and mathematician. He conceived of the universe as a hierarchy of independent units or monads, synchronized by pre-established harmony. His works include Théodicée (1710) and Monadologia (1714). He also devised a system of calculus, independently of Newton
Leibˈnitzian adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.Leibnitz - German philosopher and mathematician who thought of the universe as consisting of independent monads and who devised a system of the calculus independent of Newton (1646-1716)Leibnitz - German philosopher and mathematician who thought of the universe as consisting of independent monads and who devised a system of the calculus independent of Newton (1646-1716)
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References in classic literature ?
Mounts Doerful and Leibnitz formed two separate groups very near the south pole.
These mountains of Doerful and Leibnitz rose in the midst of plains of a medium extent, which were bounded by an indefinite succession of circles and annular ramparts.
This map reproduced with scrupulous fidelity the smallest details of the lunar surface which faces the earth; the mountains, valleys, craters, peaks, and ridges were all represented, with their exact dimensions, relative positions, and names; from the mountains Doerfel and Leibnitz on the eastern side of the disc, to the Mare frigoris of the North Pole.
Molecule .) According to Leibnitz, as nearly as he seems willing to be understood, the monad has body without bulk, and mind without manifestation -- Leibnitz knows him by the innate power of considering.
For some months I had been ill in health, but was now convalescent, and, with returning strength, found myself in one of those happy moods which are so precisely the converse of ennui - moods of the keenest appetency, when the film from the mental vision departs - the "PL> 0 BDT ,B­,L - and the intellect, electrified, surpasses as greatly its every-day condition, as does the vivid yet candid reason of Leibnitz, the mad and flimsy rhetoric of Gorgias.
Removed from Spinoza by less than a generation is the philosopher Leibnitz, who after deepening and intensifying the opposition between mind and matter, reunites them by his preconcerted harmony (compare again Phaedrus).
A youth enlightened by gleams by Parisian life soon measures the frightful distance that separates him from the head- clerkship, a distance which no mathematician, neither Archimedes, nor Leibnitz, nor Laplace has ever reckoned, the distance that exists between 0 and the figure 1.
"As scientists we are gaining so much results and information about reproduction biology and assisted reproduction that can and will help other species which are not so close to the verge of extinction as the northern white rhino," said Frank Goritz, head veterinarian at the Leibnitz institute.
These robots, as we may call them from today's perspective, were called automata, because the word robot was not invented yet.With the onset of the industrial revolution, philosophers like Rene Descartes and Willhelm Leibnitz started to contemplate if they could represent thinking as a form of calculation.
Leibnitz was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher and statesman.
A John Napier B Archimedes C Wilhelm Gottfried Leibnitz D Sir Isaac Newton 8.