legless lizard

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.legless lizard - degenerate wormlike burrowing lizard of California closely related to alligator lizardslegless lizard - degenerate wormlike burrowing lizard of California closely related to alligator lizards
lizard - relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail
Anniellidae, family Anniellidae - legless lizards
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The harmless creatures, often mistaken for snakes, are in fact legless lizards.
The presence of the protected species, which are legless lizards, at the fenced-off plot behind Brandwood Park Road, in Kings Heath, has raised concerns among half a dozen residents opposed to the development of three three-bedroom homes on the site.
(2012) reported that brands on Copper Skinks Oligosoma aeneum faded very rapidly, and a similar phenomenon has been observed in a captive population of Striped Legless Lizards, with husbandry notes reporting the loss of brands in as little as four months (pers.
But they are 'legless lizards' - definitely not a worm.
Microhabitats and population densities of California legless lizards, with comments on the effectiveness of various techniques for estimating numbers of fossorial reptiles.
The land along the 300-metre stretch of road turned up otters and badgers, and 20-strong peak counts of lizards and slow worms, which are legless lizards. Adders were also found, "The slow worm and lizard counts indicate a population probably in the hundreds," said John.
While there are no native amphibians, the reptiles species are over 90 percent endemic to Socotra and include skinks, legless lizards, and one species of chameleon, Chamaeleo monachus.
There are many legless lizards that spend their lives underground - they have tiny limbs that distinguish them from snakes.
Brett Howland, a researcher from ANU, said that the large number of the marsupials could affect and destroy the habitats of the striped legless lizards. He explained that when large number of kangaroos gather, it overgrazes the grasslands until the area looks like a lawn.
A belly carpeted in raised ridges may help legless lizards slide along.