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A river, about 1000 km (620 mi) long, of central China rising in Gansu province and flowing south to the Yangtze River at Chongqing.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The foundation of the Hungarian State was celebrated with a one-hour celebratory animated light show displayed on the walls of nine skyscrapers towering above the banks of the Jialing River.
Raffles City Chongqing locates at Chaotianmen which is one of the city's most popular attractions and serves as the best site for visitors to enjoy the splendor waterfront sceneries if the convergence of Yangtze and Jialing rivers.
argus was only found in the Jialing River in Sichuan (105.05E, 29.58N) of China, which is white without any blotches.
In an emotional and impassioned acceptance speech, Chukwu noted the difficulty in getting financing for the film: "You, Sundance, and the people who have seen this film have proven that there is an audience for this film." Top honours in the corresponding documentary section went to Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang's harrowing One Child Nation, which explores the lingering effect of China's "one child" policy.
Lau, 1983), A Compendium on New Generation Novels: Countryside(Huang Fan, Lin Yaode, et al., 1989), An Anthology of Contemporary Taiwanese Novels (1945-1988) (Guo Feng et al.), A Tutorial on Modern Taiwanese Literature: Novels(Mei Jialing, Hao Yuxiang, et al., 2002), The Canon of Twentieth Century Taiwan Literature (Fiction), the Postwar Period, Vol.
Jialing is currently pursuing her Master's degree of Accountancy at the George Washington University.
Thick fog hangs above the murky waters of the Yangtze and the Jialing Rivers snaking far below.
An army of 6,000 construction workers is hard at work at a large site overlooking the conflux of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers in the south-western Chinese megacity of Chongqing.
The conference centre is situated across river Jialing, the banks of which were also massively lit up.