

a.1.Within the tropics.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Residente de verano y migratorio intratropical. Habita en bosques humedos y semideciduos, vegetacion secundaria, bordes, claros y cafetales.
Residente de verano y migratorio intratropical. Habita en bordes de bosques humedos, vegetacion secundaria, bordes, claros y cafetales.
Implications of intratropical migration on reserve design: a case study using Phalaromachrus mocinno.
Migrants were transient species that were present for only part of the year; that category includes migratory species that breed in North America and spend the north temperate winter at Limbo (e.g., Oporornis formosus), as well as intratropical migrant species that breed at Limbo and winter elsewhere (e.g., Legatus leucophaius).
Intratropical migration in the Yellow-green Vireo and Piratic Flycatcher.