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n. pl. Hunkpapa or Hunk·pa·pas
A member of a Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Lakota, formerly inhabiting an area from the western Dakotas to southeast Montana, with a present-day population along the border between North and South Dakota. The Hunkpapa figured prominently in the resistance to white encroachment on the northern Great Plains.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Hunkpapa - a member of the Siouan people who constituted a division of the Teton Sioux and who formerly lived in the western Dakotas; they were prominent in resisting the white encroachment into the northern Great Plains
Lakota, Teton, Teton Dakota, Teton Sioux - a member of the large western branch of Sioux people which was made up of several groups that lived on the plains
2.Hunkpapa - a Siouan language spoken by the Hunkpapa
Siouan language, Siouan - a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux
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Crescent Arts Centre, 8.30pm, PS10 plus booking fee SATURDAY ARMAGH HUNKPAPA If you sell out every show you play in your home city then you've got to be doing something right!
The Lakota are further subdivided into seven bands: Oglala, Brule, Hunkpapa, Miniconjou, Sans Arc, Two Kettle, and Blackfeet.
Eventually he and his band associated with the Hunkpapa under the leadership of Gall and Sitting Bull.
The reservation, located throughout North and South Dakota, has been occupied by several Native American tribes including Sihasapa Lakota, Hunkpapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota.
The reservation is located in North Dakota and South Dakota, where the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, consisting of Hunkpapa Lakota, Sihasapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota, reside.
President Benjamin Harrison ordered more than 6,000 troops to the reservations, and on December 15,1890, police killed Hunkpapa Lakota leader Sitting Bull.
The late Franciscan Sister, Marie Therese Archambault, a Hunkpapa Lakota professor, writer, and spiritual director, remarked on the spiritual core of Black Elk, "By placing himself at this center which was simultaneously physical, spiritual and metaphorical, he encountered the Great Mysterious One." (12)
He studied the emergence of intertribal resistance that had led to hybrid Plains bands composed of Hunkpapa, Oglala, Sans Arc, Brule, Two Kettles, and Miniconjou, and Lakota kinships with Cheyenne warriors and families.
Sitting Bull is known as a great Hunkpapa leader and for his participation in the battle of Custer.
Also included in this outstanding series titled 'Native American Chiefs and Warriors' are the following and also highly recommended titles by the same author: "Apache Chief Geronimo (97807660409390, $15.95)," "Comanche Chief Quanah Parker (9780766040953, $15.95)," "Hunkpapa Lakota Chief Sitting Bull (9780766040977, $15.95)," "Nez Perce Chief Joseph (9780766040922, $15.95)," Oglala Lakota Chief Red Cloud (9780766040960, $15.95)," and "Oglala Sioux Chief Crazy Horse (9780766040946, $15.95)."
In upper South Dakota the other year, Song with skies: They were singing 'These hills held in Hunkpapa eyes.'