Haymarket Square

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Related to Haymarket Square: Homestead Strike

Hay′market Square′

a square in Chicago: scene of a riot (Hay′market Ri`ot) in 1886 between police and labor unionists.
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Their leaders planned another rally for the following night at Haymarket Square. Just as people were heading out, someone stepped out of an alley and threw a bomb into the crowd.
The next day a rally was planned at Haymarket Square to protest the killing and wounding of several workers by the police.
He was referring to the labor protest rally on May 4, 1886, near Chicago's Haymarket Square that turned into a riot.
 This day is associated with the American labor movement in the late 1800s, following violent protests at Haymarket Square in Chicago, because workers were made to work for seven days a week.
The main intention was to commemorate the Haymarket affair, a tragic event occurred in Chicago on May 4, 1886, when a bomb detonated near Haymarket Square after police arrived to break up a rally that was organized in support of workers striking for an eight-hour workday.
Associated Bank (NYSE: ASB) said two prominent state business publications have recognized its new Haymarket Square branch building with real estate awards.
In 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago, a labor demonstration for an 8-hour work day turned into a deadly riot when a bomb exploded.
A few years later, she went to work at Haymarket Square, a local gourmet food store and gift shop.
On May 4, 1888, three thousand, largely unarmed workers converged on Haymarket Square in Chicago to hear Albert Parsons, August Spies, and other labor leaders respond to events of three days before, when laborers had been murdered during efforts to break a strike.
"My last job was Haymarket Square in the Big Dig.''
The workers at Haymarket Square cried "Capitalist greed!" when asked whom to blame for their woes.