Haversian canals

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Related to Haversian canals: Volkmann's canals

Haversian canals

(or osteonic canals) Tiny canals in bone, containing nerves and blood vessels and surrounded by concentric rings of cells.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Lamellar bone and Haversian canals were detected in both HA/Zr[O.sub.2]/PRP- and HA/Zr[O.sub.2]-treated defects but not in the PRP-treated defects (figure 7).
Typically, lesions include Haversian canals and lamellar bone surrounded by dense fibrous tissue.
(b) Despite its improper location within the subepithelial tissue of the tongue, the bone appears histologically unremarkable with a normal distribution of osteocytic lacunae and haversian canals, H&E x100.
The histopathological findings of resected SOH specimens include mature laminated bone layers with osteocytes and exostosis-like proliferation resulting in Haversian canals [6,9-11], similar to those observed in this study.