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a.1.Pertaining to, or discovered by, Clopton Havers, an English physician of the seventeenth century.
Haversian canals
(Anat.) the small canals through which the blood vessels ramify in bone.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Bu hayvan modellerinden birincisi ovaryektomize sicanlardir; ikincisi ise fare veya sican olmayan ve insandakine benzer sekilde Haversian sistemine sahip bir buyuk hayvan modelidir (20).
(2) Histopathologically, the normally dense endochondral bone of the otic capsule is initially replaced by islands of vascular, demineralized Haversian bone that gradually becomes osteosclerotic over time.
Both HA/Zr[O.sub.2]/PRP and HA/Zr[O.sub.2] scaffolds induced woven bone along with lamellar bone and immature Haversian canal formation.
This functional "osteoporosis" is caused by an enlargement of the haversian systems.
In fact, at 40x magnification (Figure 10(b)), lamellar bone formation was observed, as seen by the presence of a typical Haversian system with the deposition of a calcified matrix.
The bone within the femoral shaft consisted of cortical lamellar bone, with a strong network of Haversian and Volkmann canals that were lined with perivascular-associated cells (Figure 1(c)).
Haversian channels serve as a bridge for tumor cell migration from the bone marrow to extramedullary sites.
These constituents are organized into primary lamellar bone and Haversian systems or osteons, which serve to nourish compact bone and represent bone's basic structural unit.
Typically, lesions include Haversian canals and lamellar bone surrounded by dense fibrous tissue.
The ivory or compact type, which was found in our patient, is very dense and lacks Haversian canals.