boy band

(redirected from Girl bands)
Related to Girl bands: Boy bands

boy band

(Pop Music) an all-male vocal pop group created to appeal to a young audience
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

boy band

n (Mus) → Boygroup f
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Korea Reputation Center, which uses brand big data in analyzing people's interests online and their influence on consumers' activities, said Saturday the SM Entertainment band topped the brand reputation index among K-pop girl bands.
The look of girl bands changed dramatically in the 1980s with The Bangles who had hits with Walk Like An Egyptian, Manic Monday and Eternal Flame.
The look of girl bands changed dramatically in the 1980s with The Bangles, who had hits with Walk Like An Egyptian, Manic Monday and Eternal Flame.
The X Factor winners say they idolised the likes of the Spice Girls in the 1990s and can't understand why there aren't more people banging the drum for mainstream girl bands.
AT least eight new Bahraini girl bands have been formed following an all-female musical summer camp held in Adhari Park.
THE Saturdays have revealed they want girl bands to achieve world domination.
The girl bands are all pals, so there are no problems."
Summary: He is best known for his success with boybands including Westlife, but Louis Walsh is stepping back into the world of girl bands.
Washington, Jan 4 (ANI): Melanie Chisholm says the Spice Girls were quite "tame" as compared to today's girl bands which are overtly "sexual".
I have nothing but positive things to say about the girls." She claimed that "lack of trust" and "breakdown in communication" had forced her to leave one of Britian's most successful girl bands.
"It's not that these girls are doing anything wrong," offers Lucie, "but a lot of girl bands out there are aiming at a younger audience and it's not music I would buy personally."
In a music industry almost devoid of other girl bands, they quickly took control of the charts with their brand of high-energy, funky pop laced with dancy rhythms.