girl wonder

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girl wonder

An extremely talented or accomplished girl or young woman.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.girl wonder - an extremely talented young female persongirl wonder - an extremely talented young female person
female person, female - a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
prodigy - an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration; "she is a chess prodigy"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
The girl wondered how they subsisted for she could not, even by the wildest stretch of imagination, picture these imperfect creatures as intelligent tillers of the soil.
The girl wondered if she dared venture forth in search of Naratu, Usanga's woman, for Usanga might not forget that he had promised to return.
In addition to the book on the list, two other gems by her are 'Maria's Comet' and 'Girl Wonder.'"
One of the welcome bonuses of Laureateship must be the increased attention to your backlist and so it is no surprise to see new Tamarind editions of Malorie Blackman's 'Girl Wonder' series.
LUCY ROSE Like I Used To The girl wonder, 23, from Warwickshire sold her ownbrand tea and homemade jam rather than CDs at early gigs.
Michelle Wie, the girl wonder who has yet to win a professional tournament, was last night named as one of America's wild cards for the Solheim Cup.
The girl wonder from India has memorised all the 118 elements of the Periodic Table (list of chemicals and their qualities that make up our environment, such as hydrogen and oxygen in water, for example) in order and knows the names of the capitals of almost every country on Earth.
Stephanie's 71-day tenure as the Girl Wonder started off well.
She is reported to have earned pounds 2million from the role as the Hogwarts girl wonder.
But should the wise girl wonder why such a guy didn't go before the matrimonial equivalent of the New Year sales and, seeing as we're talking rates of exchange, should she also ask: Will I get my money's worth if I sign on the dotted line?
Each set includes: Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull, illustrated by Yuyi Morales (Harcourt Children's Books), winner, Picture Book category; Out of Bounds: Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope by Beverley Naidoo (HarperCollins Children's Books), winner, Books for Older Children; Girl Wonder: A Baseball Story in Nine Innings by Deborah Hopkinson, illustrated by Terry Widener (Atheneum Books for Young Readers) and Luba: The Angel of Bergen-Belsen by Michelle R.
Girl Wonder and Helen Keohane, who was bringing her career tally to 26, combined successfully for the third time this season when the Dermot Murphy-trained six-year-old made all in the seven-furlong apprentice handicap.