Futa Jallon

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Fu·ta Jal·lon

 (fo͞o′tə jə-lōn′, fo͞o′tä jä-lôN′)
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Here was a governor who was saying on live television that the Fulani that are coming from Futa Jallon and other places have routes all over Nigeria and that he knows of several routes that had been blocked by schools, hospitals, by government houses.
Therefore, his argument challenges Walter Rodney and Boubacar Barry's notions that most of the slaves who passed through Bissau and Cacheu and into the Atlantic were made captive in the more distant interior and were the products of wars waged by states, especially the Mandinka state of Kaabu and a Fula state on the Futa Jallon plateau.
The first was the Anglo-French Convention of 28 June 1882 (preceding the Berlin Conference, which officially partitioned the African continent among the Europeans, by two years): the British recognised French claims to Mellacourie (of which, as I noted earlier, Yenga would have formed a part), which now meant French control of the entire Futa Jallon region--the basis of their colony of Guinea.
Geographically Senegambia is defined by the Senegal river in the north, the Kolante river in Guinea at its south, and the Futa Jallon Plateau on the east.
The biggest is the Fatala, flowing down from the slopes of the Futa Jallon.