Frederico Garcia Lorca

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Noun1.Frederico Garcia Lorca - Spanish poet and dramatist who was shot dead by Franco's soldiers soon after the start of the Spanish Civil War (1898-1936)
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Rodrigo et decouvrir Frederico Garcia Lorca, le poete et le compositeur, le temps d'une chanson intitulee [beaucoup moins que] Sevillanas Del Siglo XVII [beaucoup plus grand que] (Sevillane du XVIIe siecle) brillamment interpretee par Sara Rosique.
Amor en el Jardin: Lorca by Thtre Sans Frontires & Northern Stage THIS homage to Frederico Garcia Lorca is a theatrical curiosity by Hexham-based Thtre Sans Frontires.
Having recently directed Beirut productions of Frederico Garcia Lorca's "The House of Bernardo Alba" and "Kafka," Abyad is no stranger to adapting difficult material for the Beirut stage.
CYNIGIR cymorth ariannol i rai sy'n trefnu bysiau i Venue Cymru, Llandudno'r wythnos nesaf ar gyfer perfformiad Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru o ddrama Frederico Garcia Lorca - Tye Bernarda Alba.

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