Frederick Delius

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Noun1.Frederick Delius - English composer of orchestral works (1862-1934)
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Frederick Delius's "Two Songs to be sung of a summer night on the water" are "vocalises" -- songs without words -- where the choir sings the syllable "ah" under a tenor solo.
21; Frederick Delius's On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring from his Two Pieces for Orchestra; Vaughan Williams's The Lark Ascending, song works inspired by texts from A.
At the outset, the PPO dished out a somber mood expressed with warm lyricism as the venerable maestro and the inspired musicians played Frederick Delius' interlude, 'The Walk to the Paradise Garden' from 'A Village Romeo and Juliet.'
Some of Quilter and Gurney's contemporaries, such as George Butterworth (1885-1916), Frederick Delius (1862- 1934), and Rebecca Clarke (1886-1979), remain unfamiliar to many singers and teachers.
The orchestra, conducted by David Russell Hulme, will also play Frederick Delius' enchanting La Calinda and Gabriel Faure's suite from his beautifully atmospheric incidental music for Maeterlinck's Pelleas et Melisande, which features his well-known and much-loved Sicilienne.
Frederick Delius. London: Hutchinson & Co.; 1959.
The event kicks off with Slaithwaite Brass Band and finishes on Sunday afternoon with a rare screening of Ken Russell's 'Song of Summer' about Bradford's famous Frederick Delius.
David Jacobs and Evan Harger conduct a repertoire that includes Igor Stravinsky's "A Soldier's Tale" Suite, Frederick Delius' "Irmelin" Prelude and Jacques Ibert's Saxophone Concerto.
Six are claimed to be premiere recordings: not surprising for new music but it is when the composers are John Ireland (Bagatelle) and Frederick Delius.
31 concert includes Carl Maria von Weber's Overture to "Der Freischutz,'' "The Beautiful Galathea'' by Franz von Suppe, Frederick Delius' "The Walk to the Paradise Garden,'' and Franz Liszt's "Les Preludes.''
JULIAN Lloyd Webber describes Frederick Delius as a 'Marmite' composer.
There was even a Hassan ball organised by the British Drama League during which Sir Arnold Bennett judged the best Oriental costumes (Dean archive 11/1/14) Hassan also marks a fascinating moment of trans-European networking, as Frederick Delius wrote the music and Michel Fokine, perhaps remembering his earlier work with the Ballet Russes on Scheherazade, choreographed the ballet.

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