feather boa

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Related to Feather boas: feather dusters
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.feather boa - a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or furfeather boa - a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur
scarf - a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
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feather boa

nboa m inv (di piume)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
A big black hat with a wintry feather completed a headdress as unseasonable as my skating skirt and feather boa; of course, the good lady had all.
Wearing earphones - as well as feather boas, disco sunglasses and colourful wigs - the crowd will weave their way around Johnstone dancing along to some upbeat songs.
Twenty super troupers clad with pink feather boas looked like they were sending out an SOS as they braved the chill to perform the routine to Abba classic Mamma Mia underneath the Waterloo sign ONWISHAW Road.
It comes in the form of crude T-shirts, feather boas, ridiculously oversized glasses and, despite the fact that ginger people get ridiculed the rest of the year, on March 17 people spend money on wigs of that exact hair colour, with a riciculouslyoversized green hat attached to it!
Staff from the Grosvenor Pulford Hotel and Spa have dug out their feather boas in anticipation of the Nightingale House Hospice walk which takes place this year on Sunday 28 April 2013.
Dressed in everything from feather boas, bunny ears, tutus, and even donning masks of the Royal family, around 800 people took to the streets for St Oswald's Hospice's annual Midnight Walk.
MERSEYSIDE men are being asked to don frocks and feather boas for a charity fun run.
One film (http://thebeehiveonline.net/2012/05/23/the-great-gatsby-in-3d-sure-why-not/) blogger couldn't agree more: "Some directors might say, 'I think there are a few too many feather boas in this scene,' and Baz Luhrman is like, '50 feather boas?
The busty performer funded her risque stage get-up, including feather boas and corsets, with a 130-pound grant from the Prince's Trust.
The atmosphere will be festive and vibrant with beads, poppers, masks, feather boas, capes, hats and balloons to help party-goers forget 2011 and welcome 2012.
Volunteers Murmeda Hougaard-Kenyon and Katie Welshman dressed in fancy feather boas and glitzy handbags around the stack of suitcase art on Hope Street to promote the event.
Our world exclusive pictures show Wills the student larking around with TWO feather boas while in his boxer shorts.