feather duster

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feather duster

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Edna was sitting on the tabouret, idly brushing the tips of a feather duster along the carpet when he came in again.
"You can't break animals with a feather duster. The thicker the skull the thicker the crowbar."
I 'll have an apron, with a bib to it, like Polly's, and a feather duster, and sweep the stairs, maybe, with my head tied up, like Katy.
She kept tight hold of the stout slats and as soon as she could get the water out of her eyes she saw that the wind had ripped the cover from the coop, and the poor chickens were fluttering away in every direction, being blown by the wind until they looked like feather dusters without handles.
"Rupert loves people, his feather duster, toast and insects as I'll often find him in the garden sat mesmerized by a bug of some sort.
Temerloh district police chief ACP Zundin Mahmood said the victim who claimed her husband had hit her with a broom, clothes hanger and feather duster at about 7pm on Monday only lodged a police report yesterday with the help of a friend.
The feather duster is dusted off and I actually welcome the flood of charity bin bags through my door.
Already there has been talk of points deductions and playing matches behind closed doors, particularly regarding Birmingham with minimal comment on the other incident, and I fear that the end result will be a slap on the wrist with a feather duster for Arsenal and a draconian punishment for Birmingham.
In the Prem, one day you can be 'cock of the walk' but a season' or two later, a feather duster.
Birds of the same feather make a gaudy feather duster!
BOXING coach Tony Whitby says he could have been "knocked down with a feather duster" after being handed a Teesside Hero award.