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Related to Erasmism: Erasmus


[ɪˈræzmɪzəm] Nerasmismo m
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A considerable part of the reason many of the suspected luteranos were discovered was the result of being involved in the distribution or purchase of vernacular Bibles, which were expressly prohibited by the Index Prohibitorum and closely associated with forbidden ideologies such as Erasmism and Protestantism (Eisenstein 347).
Frederick De Armas, a pesar de no hablar de "La gitanilla" en particular en "Cervantes and the Italian Renaissance", nos ofrece el dato fundamental de que "Cervantes came to Italy after studying in Madrid with the Spanish humanist Juan Lopez de Hoyos (...) [who] taught Cervantes an Erasmism that was no longer tolerated in Spain" (32).
Obviously, it was this particular concern that prompted Abellan to see sixteenth-century Erasmism as the last intellectual movement through which Spain participated fully in the cultural life of Europe before the so-called tibetizacion.