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n.1.Emission of radiance.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The perfect results about virus eradiation from the propagative material are obtained by the combination of thermotherapyin combination with meristem culture; where alone meristem culture fails to produce successful results (Waswa et al., 2017).
Eradiation of terrorism from the country is our first priority, he added.
Feroz Memon, Regional Manager, Poverty Eradiation Initiative stressed the need of building sinks and tippy taps and demonstrate the simplicity and value of clean hands.
He, however, said he has applied for different government schemes such as Poverty Eradiation Fund, and stated that if he succeeds, he would start a new and big garden.
Including Paigham e Pakistan effort, IIUI, in previous years, has arranged number of conferences, seminars, moots and session on peaceful co-existence, eradiation of terrorism and media, where many intellectuals, experts, scholars were mustered to recommend to enlighten the vision of students.
pylori, there is a possibility of failure of 1st- and 2nd-line eradiation regimens.
Toward Spartina eradication: 2008 Willapa Bay Spartina seed production and eradiation models for the upper tidal flats and saltmarshes.--WBNWR/US Fish Wildl.
Anisa Zeb hoped that the survey will provide a very sound foundation for formulation of evidence based and vibrant policy for eradiation of child labour and protection of their future.
Eradiation of bTB with endemic in cattle populations around the world is challenging.
Now with increased efficiency and eradiation of corruption in the revenue collection, the state revenue has increased to 13.6 percent of the GDP thus making it possible to meet the recurrent expenses for the first time said the minister
--Al-Riyadh said combating corruption is an important challenge which we have to pass successfully as eradiation of this plague has turned to be an international demand, particularly for developed countries.