Endless chain

a chain whose ends have been united by a link.
a chain which is made continuous by uniting its two ends.

See also: Chain, Endless

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Across the canon was the place for the mill, and there he erected it; and he erected, also, the endless chain of buckets, suspended from a cable and operated by gravity, that would carry the ore across the canon to the quartz-crusher.
This was for the uninitiated the most perplexing work of all; for all that the woman had to give was a single turn of the wrist; and in some way she contrived to give it so that instead of an endless chain of sausages, one after another, there grew under her hands a bunch of strings, all dangling from a single center.
Cody Whitehair couldn't believe the seemingly endless chain of congratulatory text messages on his phone within a few hours of his new, five-year, $52.5 million contract extension including $27.5 million guaranteed being announced Sunday.
This creates an endless chain of growth that builds a pyramid-like structure with an ever-expanding base.
This, in my opinion, is the very seed, the very beginning of an endless chain of gender crimes.
Over the years, the sleepy town of Iten, christened 'Home of Champions', which lies some 2,400 metres above sea level, has been producing an endless chain of world beating athletes including the former world marathon record holder Wilson Kipsang.
A single good leader can create an endless chain of social changes, ' Justice Minallah stressed.
'It is essential to be an effective leader so as to make an impact within your organisation.A single good leader can create an endless chain of social changes.
"For what is the present, except an endless chain of memories?" he asks.
"20th Century Women" is an endless chain of anecdotes, and though many individual moments are winning, the movie as a whole is rudderless.
Yet, in focusing so keenly on the question of identity, she invariably ends up wrapped around a nearly endless chain of representation.