early adopter

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early adopter

one of the first people or organizations to make use of a new technology
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

early adopter

- A person who starts using a technology or product as soon as it becomes available.
See also related terms for starts.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Part of the challenge for manufacturers struggling under mandates is that they are hOt typically early adopters of technology.
"The market moving from early adopters, it's not yet mainstream, but it's getting closer to mainstream," Daniels said.
The analysis shows Hummingbird staying at a constant 'Perform', from 'Early Adopter' through to 'Market Adopter' and on to 'Market Maturity'.
Rather, it is expected that a select few builders will use a new product first; other builders, witnessing the early adopters' experiences, will then follow.
Tushman and Anderson (1986) suggested that if competences will be destroyed, an organization is unlikely to be an early adopter. Mitchell's (1989) findings indicate that the greater the competitive threat, the less likely an industry incumbent is to enter a new technical subfield but the earlier it will do so if it does plan to enter.
Chicago, IL, March 12, 2018 --(PR.com)-- Plantoost, an online education marketplace of top-quality learning content, will introduce on March 12-17, a beta instructor platform and the early adopters program for instructors.
Google often addresses various early adopter issues within official software updates.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-December 2, 2010-Oracle selects Mindjet to participate in early adopter programme for Oracle Fusion CRM(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com
has begun shipping its PCIe Gen4 NVMe SBExpress test systems to its Early Adopter partners to perform early testing on their new NVMe Gen4 SSD Drives.
Cadence has been working closely with early adopter customers, who have expressed strong interest in this innovative technology.