Dorking fowl

Dor´king fowl`

    (dôr´kĭng foul`)
1.(Zool.) One of a breed of large-bodied domestic fowls, having five toes, or the hind toe double. There are several strains, as the white, gray, and silver-gray. They are highly esteemed for the table.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
In our domestic animals, if any part, or the whole animal, be neglected and no selection be applied, that part (for instance, the comb in the Dorking fowl) or the whole breed will cease to have a nearly uniform character.
Red Dorking fowl were kept by the Pilgrims at Plimoth.
After dismantling the leg of a Dorking fowl, a breed of English chicken, Huxley realized that the bones he was holding bore an uncanny resemblance to the ankles of fossilized dinosaurs, which were starting to grab scientists' attention at that time.