Doris Lessing

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Noun1.Doris Lessing - English author of novels and short stories who grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (born in 1919)
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" Imagination was also one strong suit of another Nobel Prize winner, Doris Lessing, who was also at the same conference.
Dalloway, Penelope Lively's Moon Tiger, Angela Carter's Wise Children, Doris Lessing's "The Grandmothers," and web columns and magazine articles interviewing midlife women in Denmark and Israel; the dynamics of power relationships concerning aging, gender, and sexualities in different contexts, including social class and mobility, menopausal Iranian women, sexual expression and practices in long-term residential facilities for older people, and race and class and elder care in South Africa; and health and well-being in terms of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people in later life, prescription drugs for male sexual dysfunction in Italy, and older gay and bisexual men's experiences of prostate cancer.
For example, her thoughts in one place bring together Martin Amis, Edna O'Brien, Svetlana Alexievich, and Doris Lessing and, in another, move from Flannery O'Connor to Simone Weil and ask, "Who were these people?" Nunez's intelligent narrator roams effortlessly and unpretentiously from Abraham Lincoln to Lady Gaga to an observation tying together Wittgenstein, Kafka, and George Bailey.
The narrative accommodates both Eastern existentialism and Western thought, with influences as dissimilar as Doris Lessing and Sufism vying for Mira's attention.
En el presente trabajo pretendo abordar la novela de Doris Lessing, The Cleft (2007), desde conceptualizaciones del cuerpo y el espacio que enfatizan sus cualidades de inestables y en constante devenir debido a la naturaleza social tanto de uno como del otro.
Gabriel Garcia, Toni Morrison, Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, Ralph Ellison, Paul Auster, Scarlett Thomas and Steven Hall are well known for writing in slipstream form of literature.
I'd long had it in the back of my mind to write something about Clancy Sigal, which according to my notes I'd provisionally titled "The Man Who Fascinated Women (Writers)." Whatever it is in me that's drawn to wounded men--and Clancy was a great one of the species--I suspect the fact that Doris Lessing got to this one first, branding him as her property, was no small part of the allure.
The prequel was among several works donated by authors, including Sebastian Faulks and Doris Lessing, to an auction to raise funds for English PEN, which promotes understanding through literature, and Dyslexia Action.
When British novelist Doris Lessing was awarded the Nobel literature prize in 2007, she composed a lecture and sent it to her Swedish publisher, who read it out at a ceremony in the Swedish capital.
Doris Lessing, prix Nobel de litterature en 2007, a ete espionnee par les services secrets britanniques pendant pres de vingt ans, de 1943 a 1964, en raison de ses convictions communistes et de son engagement contre le racisme.