Diplock court

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Diplock court

(Law) in Northern Ireland, a court of law designed to try cases linked with terrorism. In order to prevent the intimidation of jurors, the court consists of a single judge and no jury
[C20: named after Lord Diplock, who introduced the courts in 1972]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Prosecutors directed Hutchings' trial be heard by a judge alone in a Diplock Court after concluding there was "a risk the administration of justice might be impaired if the trial were to be conducted with a jury".
The Sinn Fein chief said he is appealing convictions he received in 1975 in two separate Diplock Court trials - cases tried by a single judge sitting without a jury - relating to two attempts to escape from internment.
hearings, Senator Kerry pointed to three Diplock court practices
structural matter, the shift from internment to the Diplock court system
(159) Interview with Barra McGrory, solicitor, supra note 99 (citing an example of a citizen who, when allegedly involved in drug dealing and a murder, was tried under a nonjury Diplock court, even though those offenses have nothing to do with the conflict in Northern Ireland).
He is appealing against convictions he received in 1975 in two separate Diplock Court trials relating to two attempts to escape from internment.
He was given 15 years following a Diplock Court trial which lasted 11 days.
They were convicted by a no-jury Diplock court of the murder of Peter McBride in September 1992 following an incident in Belfast.
Their guilty pleas leaves a fourth accused, 38-yearold Sharon Rafferty, from Pomeroy, Co Tyrone, due to stand trial before the non-jury Diplock court later this week.
"At the time of her death, the British army chose to cover up the truth behind the killing and the soldier involved was exonerated by a Diplock court.
The claim was made as six alleged supporters of the terror gang, including high-profile loyalist Ihab Shoukri, went on trial before a non-jury Diplock Court.
POLICE stormed a disused shop with CS gas and found a group of men staging an alleged UVF show of strength, a diplock court heard yesterday.