field sport

(redirected from Country sport)
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.field sport - a sport that is played outdoorsfield sport - a sport that is played outdoors  
hunting, hunt - the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
fishing, sportfishing - the act of someone who fishes as a diversion
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
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References in periodicals archive ?
It was a country sport event held in the country in aid of charity.
Sports men and women from across the Black Country graced the red carpet at the Copthorne Hotel in Dudley when the venue played host to the 2012 Black Country Sport & Physical Activity Awards.
They did eventually stop hunting with hounds, but now, apparently, Tory David Cameron, if elected, intends to restore fox hunting, an exclusive so-called country sport, regardless of public opinion.
The groups warned of serious repercussions for country sport tourism, which is worth millions of pounds a year to the Scottish economy.
The BBC sports broadcaster will be guiding guests through the 16 awards as master of ceremonies at the second annual Black Country Sport and Physical Activity Awards.
Fishing is threatened just as much as any other country sport and anglers need to take action to protect the fundamental rights that we all enjoy in the country.
Yesterday Mrs Henry, who hosted the world clay pigeon shooting championships at Bywell last summer, said: "This is just a case of one country sport helping out another, which is facing a very difficult time with things in turmoil.
The decision defies MPs who in January backed the Hunting Bill which would make the country sport illegal by 387 votes to 174.
Lord Donoughue, a senior Labour peer, said there was a 'reasonable chance' that enough members of the Upper House would support an amendment to the Government's controversial Hunting Bill, which outlaws the centuries' old country sport.
They then voted by 249 to 108, a majority of 141, for self-regulation of the traditional country sport.
Hunt supporters from across the Midlands were pelted with eggs yesterday as they marched through the streets of Leamington Spa in a last-ditch attempt to save their country sport.