Cirsium rivulare

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Noun1.Cirsium rivulare - of central and southwestern Europe
plume thistle, plumed thistle - any of numerous biennial to perennial herbs with handsome purple or yellow or occasionally white flower heads
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References in periodicals archive ?
CIRSIUM RIVULARE ATROPURPUREUM THERE'S an increasing awareness of the importance of bees in sustaining life.
PLANT OF THE WEEK CIRSIUM RIVULARE ATROPURPUREUM THERE'S an increasing awareness of the importance of bees in sustaining life.
Flavonoid composition and antimicrobial activity of Cirsium rivulare (Jacq.) All.
amazing literally These showcased my delicious pink roses Ballerina, Comte de Chambord, St Ethelburga and Rose Louise Odier, along with delightful Antirrhinum Pretty in Pink, Chinese foxglove Rehmannia Magic Dragon and stronger shades of crimson - Penstemon Garnet and Cirsium rivulare Atropurpureum.
Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' is one of my favourites.