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Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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"Clearly, Baiocco is the wrong choice for the CPSC. Nothing about this past gives me confidence that she'll use science to make decisions in the public interest if she is appointed a CPSC commissioner.
With these new regulations, CPSC is adding infant "sling carriers," which are often made from nonwovens or include nonwoven components, to the list of durable infant/toddler products that must be tested by third party conformity assessment bodies under the list of Notices of Requirements (NOR) issued by the Commission.
Considerant que les CPSC occupent desormais une place importante dans l'offre de services destines aux enfants et aux familles en situation de vulnerabilite psychosociale, la presente etude vise a documenter le niveau de collaboration entre ces centres et d'autres organisations des services sociaux et de sante des reseaux public et communautaire, ainsi que les enjeux et defis inherents a leur mise en place.
The CPSC estimates that those risks cost American consumers at least $ 1 trillion a year from injury, death, and property damage.
Today, the CPSC is stronger, more proactive, and better at protecting the consumer, especially children.
Maxfield & Oberton's troubles started in July 2012, when the CPSC began legal proceedings to ban and recall Buckyballs on the grounds that the toy was dangerous for children.
* Twitter: Via handle @ OnSafety, CPSC posts nearly all recalls and all news releases on its Twitter feed.
in related news, the CPSC also has rejected an NAA/NMHC-supported petition from the hotel and pool/spa industries encouraging the CPSC to effectively revisit the decision on "unblockable drain covers" and designate covers of a sufficient size as a compliant product.
GAO's analysis of CPSC data as of July 7, 2011, showed that 38 percent of the 5,464 reports submitted to CPSC contained information that CPSIA requires for publication.
In October 2010, the CPSC issued a report recommending that the ASTM International Subcommittee on Toy Safety develop new standards for Cd in children's jewelry (U.S.
Months prior to the launch, ACA submitted comments on CPSC's then-proposed rule to establish an electronic Consumer Product Safety Database.