Bronte sisters

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Related to Bronte sisters: Anne Bronte, Jane Austen, Wuthering Heights
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Noun1.Bronte sisters - a 19th century family of three sisters who all wrote novels
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Her favourite bit was a visit (for my sake) to Haworth Parsonage where the Bronte sisters wrote their novels, and a walk on the moors they once trudged over.
A TALK focusing on the life of the Rev Patrick Bronte, the father of the Bronte sisters, is taking place at Halifax Central Library on Thursday, August 22 from 6pm.
| 1816: Charlotte Bronte, eldest of the three Bronte Sisters and author of Jane Eyre, was born in Thornton, Yorkshire.
1848: Branwell Bronte, brother of the Bronte sisters, died.
MOOR CHOICE FOR BRONTE FANS of the Bronte sisters can discover the natural Yorkshire environment beloved by the authors through outdoor accommodation specialist
1855: Charlotte Bronte, eldest of the Bronte sisters and author of Jane Eyre, died.
The Bronte sisters - Emily, Charlotte and Anne - initially published their work under pseudonyms so they would be taken seriously by the 19th Century literary establishment.
The focus on everyday objects became commonplace in much of the Bronte sisters' later writing.
He was an accomplished artist and painted one of the most cherished portraits of the Bronte sisters, which now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery.
Years after the deaths of the two oldest Bronte sisters, the remaining four siblings, now in their teens--romantic Charlotte, brooding Branwell, peculiar Emily, and sensible Anne--are still in the aftershock of grief and steeping in bleak thoughts of the future.
The result is a literary approach highly recommended for any who enjoy biographical and literary reflections on the Bronte sisters.