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n.1.(Surg.) An incision into the windpipe or larynx, including the operations of tracheotomy and laryngotomy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
However, in cases of failed rigid bronchoscopy, the surgical options available for retrieving the foreign body include tracheostomy, bronchotomy, and thoracotomy [4-8].
Bronchotomy and thoracotomy are the other options available for cases of failed bronchoscopy [4, 6-8].
Although bronchoscopy is the treatment of choice and usually safe and effective, potentially serious complications occur in 6-8% of procedures, including the development of pneumomediastinum, trachea laceration, vocal cords laceration, subglottic oedema, and necessity for thoracotomy, bronchotomy, or lobectomy [7].
The operative treatments of endobronchial lipoma include bronchoscopic excision, bronchotomy, lobectomy or pneumonectomy.2,5,6,9 Bronchoscopic resection should be suggested as the primary treatment method after early detection.
We exposed the right main bronchus and bronchotomy done for excision of endobronchial tumour (Fig 4).
During the bronchotomy, both the Fogarty catheter and the foreign body were dislodged from the right main bronchus, with the foreign body completely obstructing the left main bronchus while the right main bronchotomy was open to the atmosphere.
Further bronchoscopy, possibly followed by thoracotomy for bronchotomy or lobectomy was considered, should the foreign body prove impossible to remove endoscopically.