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1. (Bible) New Testament a nickname applied by Jesus to James and John in Mark 3:17
2. a fiery preacher, esp one with a powerful voice
[C17: from Hebrew benē reghesh sons of thunder]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Hepburn joins AKHAN from his current role as President at Boanerges Solutions LLC, where he serves as an expert advisor to US and foreign companies in the area of corporate security, intelligence matters and business development.
"The piecemeal repair, however, proved to be insufficient to prevent the deterioriation and inevitable collapse of the parish had it not been for the efforts of the constituents of the city of Caloocan, and the strong determination and conviction of the parochial priest--Msgr Boanerges Lechuga to rebuild it," Erice said.
Alisha Ansari, Kristen Burzynski, Andrea Diaz, Pilar Ferguson, Jordan Liebman, and Boanerges Rodriguez Orellana provided outstanding research assistance on this project.
Silvio Barbosa 2007 2012 CMS A Bua Boanerges Borges da 2004 2007 Fonseca CMS A Catiri 2007 2007 CMS A Vila Moretti 2007 2012 CMS A Manoel Guilherme da Silveira 2012 2012 Filho CMS B Alexander Fleming 1987 2010 CMS B Waldyr Franco 1960 2011 CMS B Henrique Monat 1986 2011 CMS B Padre Miguel 1981 2012 CMS B Professor Masao Goto 1987 2010 CMS B Dr Eithel Pinheiro de 1977 Oliveira AP 5.2 2011 CF Alkindar Soares Pereira Filho 2011 2011 CF Dr.
LOPES FILHO, Boanerges; LARA, Cassia Vale; MARQUES, Iara; CARVALHO, Raphael S.S.O.; DUARTE, Jorge Antonio Menna (2011): "Salas de Imprensa na area publica: um estudo a partir da analise de 20 casos".
M., Hasin, Deborah S., Shrout, Patrick E., Drake, Robert E., Dominguez, Boanerges, Samet, Sharon, Schanzer, Bella, Predictors of Psychosis Remission in Psychotic Disorders That Co-occur With Substance Use, Schizophr Bull., 2006 October; 32(4): 618-625
TIPO: Brasil, Mato Grosso, Tenente Boanerges de Souza, Novos da Serra do Norte, J.
Five years later, ALBA Forestal is still operating, but with little transparency, argue critics like Deputy Boanerges Matus of the Bancada del Partido Liberal Independiente (BAPLI) opposition bloc.
Marcio Cleber de Medeiros Correa (2,6), Edmilson Igor Bernardo Almeida3 Virna Braga Marques (4), Julio Cesar do Vale Silva (5) Boanerges Freire de Aquino (6)
10:4), two others are the Boanerges brothers, described as "Sons of Thunder" (Mark 3:17; perhaps from the Hebrew Bney Ra'ash).