
(redirected from Birdwing butterfly)


(Zoology) a type of large, tropical butterfly
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Golden birdwing butterfly (Troides rhadamantus) species listed under CITES Appendix II, or threatened species.
This paper illustrates some of the varied contexts in which Lepidoptera conservation needs have arisen in urban areas of eastern Australia, and the scope of species management plans for three key species: Eltham copper butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida; Richmond birdwing butterfly Ornithoptera richmondia; and Golden sun-moth Synemon plana).
EXQUISITE Attenborough marvels at Priam's birdwing butterfly
But David''s not done there; among others, he also wants to fill us in on the movements of the solenodon, an ancient mammal, the Sunda pangolin, which has armour made of keratin, and Priam''s birdwing butterfly, which is the largest on earth.
The series also features the largest butterfly on earth - the Priam's birdwing butterfly - and the Sumatran rhino, the smallest and most threatened member of its species.
Then there's the solenodon, an ancient mammal, the Sunda pangolin, which has armour made of keratin, and Priam's birdwing butterfly, the largest on earth.
This is a well-meaning book, designed to encourage children to help protect the birdwing butterfly. We are told that the depiction of the life-cycle is scientifically correct.
It is the first time in well over a decade that the Queensland Birdwing butterfly, also known as Ornithoptera Priamus, has emerged in the UK. Butterfly beauty STRATFORD Butterfly Farm is awaiting the imminent emergence of one of the world's largest species of butterfly, the beautiful Queensland Birdwing butterfly, also known as Ornithoptera Priamus.
* Volunteer Caroline Vile with a Birdwing butterfly at the Natural History Museum in London, as 600 live butterflies arrived for the Sensational Butterflies exhibition.