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Related to birken: Birkenstock


(Plants) relating to the birch tree
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.birken - consisting of or made of wood of the birch treebirken - consisting of or made of wood of the birch tree
woody - made of or containing or resembling wood; "woody plants"; "perennial herbs with woody stems"; "a woody taste"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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New to this month's market will be Birken Tree who are based in Perth.
There are two maps of the Danube basin: one from the year 1703 drawn by an unknown graphic designer and the second from 1684 made by Sigmund von Birken (1626 1681) and Jacob von Sandrart (1630 1708).The maps are proof of the warlike attempts of the Ottoman empire.
ICE HOCKEY : Patrick Reimer scored in overtime and Danny aus den Birken made 31 saves to put Germany into the Olympic semifinals with a stunning 4-3 upset of top-seeded Sweden in the quarterfinals on Wednesday night.
General Counsel at the EBRD Ms Marie-Anne Birken said: "The EBRD is committed to promoting gender equality and equality of opportunities in its countries of operations.
Birken, German for birch, gives us Birkenau -- the meadow where the birches grow -- the largest of the Auschwitz death camps between 1941 and January 22, 1945, when the Nazis set the last charges of dynamite to destroy evidence of the crematory ovens before the first soldiers of the Red Army arrived.
Greiss didn't get the start in goal on Friday night, but sat on the bench while the backup, Danny Aus den Birken, played the entire game.
'Hand-held devices are everywhere these days,' said Catherine Birken, pediatrician at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Ontario, Canada.
In line with this strategy, Amryt has entered into agreements, conditional, inter alia, on Admission to acquire both Birken AG and SomPharmaceuticals.
Essa tecnica pode reduzir os custos de mao-de-obra e melhorar o valor comercial dos frutos remanescentes, os quais terao maior calibre (MELAND & BIRKEN, 2010; PAVANELLO & AYUB, 2012).
The 35-year-old from Wallsend is to take on the gruelling Birken XC Ski Race, a notorious challenge even for the most seasoned skier - which Errington is definitely not!
That's a missed opportunity for future gains, says Ben Birken, a planner with Woodward Financial Advisors in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.