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n.1.(Chem.) An apparatus for measuring or determining the proportion of nitrogen; a nitrometer.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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For both TMR and fecal samples, DM was detected using AOAC method 930.15; EE was measured using AOAC method 920.85; CP was tested using the method described by Kjeldahl, with an azotometer (Scino KT260, FOSS, Hillerod, Denmark); NDF and ADF were measured using the methods described by Van Soest and a Fiber Analyzer (2000i, Ankom, New York, UAS); and ash content was measured according to AOAC method 938.08.
Total N (TN) content of the soil samples was determined using an automatic azotometer (KDN-102F, Qianjian Ltd., Shanghai) (Bai et al., 2010).
Briefly the crude protein contents were estimated by Dumas principle with an automatic azotometer (KJELTEC 2300 Foss Tecator AB Hoganas Sweden) and the content of crude fat was determined with a 2500 Fat Analyzer (Foss Tecator AB Hoganas Sweden).