avian influenza

(redirected from Avian bird flu)
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Related to Avian bird flu: Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza

a·vi·an in·flu·en·za

n. influenza aviaria, que puede ser fatal, altamente contagiosa, trasmitida por aves contagiadas por uno de los virus tipo A.
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A highly contagious H5N2 strain of the avian bird flu virus has infected at least 140,000 poultry in Canada.
One concern that makes this move by the USDA troubling and all the more surprising is the recent outbreaks of the H5N1 and H7N9 strains of the avian bird flu over the last decade in China.
CHINA -- Closing live poultry markets in four Chinese cities in the first half of 2013 was associated with an Instant and overwhelming reduction in the incidence of human infections with avian bird flu, also known as H7N9.
Two years earlier his firm was banking up to pounds 6,500 every day from the sale of avian bird flu 'survival' kits.
* Superior Felt and Filtration/Wein Products, Fitseal disposable respirator mask: This mask employs nonwoven tribo technology coupled with a medical adhesion system that makes it an effective disposable mask in swine flu/H1N1 protection as well as for use in protection in dealing with SARS, Avian Bird Flu, disaster clean up, emergency response, terrorism and tourism abroad.
Health ministers and senior officials from the 21 APEC economies are meeting in Sydney on Thursday and Friday, with the meeting's focus to be on the region's preparedness for an avian bird flu pandemic.
28 March Web seminar: Handling Avian Bird Flu and Other Mass Casualty Situations