Australian Labor Party

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Noun1.Australian Labor Party - the oldest political party in Australia, founded in 1891; the party is moderately liberal
labor party, labour party - a left-of-center political party formed to represent the interest of ordinary working people
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Thus occurred the 'Split' in the Australian Labor Party, a Split which kept it out of office for nearly twenty years, a Split blamed by many on Bob Santamaria.
Recently former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr (and member of the Australian Labor Party) was ridiculed publicly by members of his own party for openly speaking of how he wished to distance himself from his uncritical rhetoric of yesteryear in support of Israel.
Turnbull belongs to the recently-elected Liberal-National Coalition (LNC), which has opted for an alternative NBN to that favoured by the outgoing Australian Labor Party (ALP).
Lisa Singh, from the Australian Labor Party, set up a campaign in her home nation to highlight the dangers of the cancer-causing substance.
The Liberal Party received nearly four times more in political donations than the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in the run-up to the federal election last September, according to the AEC figures.
In her first interview since losing the leadership of the Australian Labor Party in September 2013, Julia Gillard appeared on stage at the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House before a sold-out audience and engaged in a candid conversation with editor and publisher Anne Summers.
The current Australian ambassador to Washington Kim Beazley is a former leader of the Australian Labor Party who took up his appointment to the US in February 2010, meaning his replacement is due.
"Today is a brand new day for the Australian Labor Party," a "humbled" Shorten said, promising to renew "the trust of hundreds of thousands of Australians".
In the wake of a crushing defeat September 7 for the climate alarmism-promoting Australian Labor Party, which imposed the deeply unpopular and expensive "carbon tax" credited by analysts for the conservative coalition's victory, authorities in Australia are preparing to dismantle and consolidate the myriad global-warming schemes spawned under the previous government.
2 ( ANI ): News Corporation chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch has labelled Australian Labor Party's language on foreign workers 'disgraceful and racist'.
Australian Labor Party - New South Wales Senator the Hon Jacinta Collins -- Parliamentary Secretary for School Education and Workplace Relations
There he became active in the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and continued his activism in the ARU, where he became District Secretary.

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