Australian Aborigine

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Noun1.Australian Aborigine - a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrivedAustralian Aborigine - a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
ethnic group, ethnos - people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture
Aussie, Australian - a native or inhabitant of Australia
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There are deplorable accounts from Africa, and the Australian aborigines appear to have been already exterminated.
The femur of the Australian Aborigine. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21: 457-467.
When she's accepted into Trinity, he exploits a godsend he's found in a back room -- the pickled head of an Australian Aborigine, which, when the sun strikes it right, twirls around in its jar and points to the winning horse number.
An Australian aborigine word meaning lagoon, Billabong is the name of a company that originally made surfboards and later branched into surf clothing.
On October 22, Mundine, an Australian Aborigine who reportedly became a Muslim to model himself on former world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali, said that Australians should keep out of the U.S.-led campaign in Afghanistan.
The Australian aborigine has a fascinating facility for sports which demand whippy reflexes and strong backs.
- Australian Aborigine on observing a solar eclipse
TWO British backpackers were accused yesterday of a horrifying knife attack on an Australian aborigine.
Perhaps the closest he comes is in passages such as that at the end of his 1948 article on 'The Future of the Australian Aborigine', where he rather blandly notes that Aborigines 'might enrich' the 'general pattern' of the national culture.
For Barbara, a 51-year-old Australian aborigine from Darwin, has no doubts that our monarch is her cousin.
Surely, the Christian missionary activity produced massive and far reaching differences when one looks at the Maori, highland New Guinea societies and the Australian Aborigine. Furthermore, it is also important to note that the early contact between missionaries/administrators and the Polynesians indicated that these societies had a sense of religion in terms of western understanding, but such was not the case in early accounts of Australian Aborigines.
[11] Our reading is higher than Davivong et al (4) in Australian aborigine.

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