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Related to Athanasianism: Athanasian Creed


the teachings of Athanasius, 4th-century bishop of Alexandria, asserting that Christ is of the same substance as God; adopted by the Council of Nicea as orthodox doctrine. Also called homoousianism, homoiousianism. — Athanasian, n., adj.
See also: Christ
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Athanasianism - the theological doctrine taught by Athanasius that Christ the Son is of the same substance as God the FatherAthanasianism - the theological doctrine taught by Athanasius that Christ the Son is of the same substance as God the Father
theological doctrine - the doctrine of a religious group
Arianism - heretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son
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