pond life

(redirected from Aquatic ecosystem)
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pond life

1. (Zoology) the animals that live in ponds
2. stupid or despicable people
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Although we cannot directly measure the aquatic ecosystem that existed in the past, we can infer what it was like through the analysis of subfossil organisms and sediment parameters that have been preserved in lake sediments (Birks and Birks, 1980).
The EPA guidelines state that such activities cannot be permitted if there is a practicable alternative that would less adversely affect the aquatic ecosystem and does not have other significant environmental consequences.
The EPA is interested in building on current classification work by developing the strong underlying basic science that establishes a conceptual understanding of how baseline aquatic ecosystem condition relates to watershed attributes (physical, climatic, and terrestrial) and how anthropogenic activity alters baseline conditions.
Dinoflagellates are key players in aquatic ecosystem large numbers of them live only in the pores of ice, for example, where they photosynthesize and provide food for other organisms.
After an introductory review of the topic, papers discuss periphyton structure, diversity, and colonization; dynamics and influencing factors, role in the aquatic ecosystem and food webs, and periphyton in freshwater lakes and wetlands.
Workshop on Science for Assessing the Impacts of Human Pharmaceuticals in Aquatic Ecosystem (2003: Snowbird, UT) Ed.
He began focusing on the criteria and principles for assessing the hazards, and the extent to which the self-purification potential of an aquatic ecosystem can be a target of pollutants.
Among the topics are the history and background of the scientific study, the ecophysiology, various types of organisms including photolithotrophs and zooplankton, various ecosystems such as lakes and surface marine waters, incorporating plankton respiration in models of aquatic ecosystem function, and the global significance at scales from single cells to the biosphere.

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