aquatic plant

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Noun1.aquatic plant - a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinthaquatic plant - a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
hornwort - any aquatic plant of the genus Ceratophyllum; forms submerged masses in ponds and slow-flowing streams
water lily - an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae
Ranunculus aquatilis, water buttercup, water crowfoot - plant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America
cryptocoryne, water trumpet - any plant of the genus Cryptocoryne; evergreen perennials growing in fresh or brackish water; tropical Asia
golden club, Orontium aquaticum - aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and a spadix resembling a club covered with tiny yellow flowers
arrow arum - an aquatic plant of the genus Peltandra; North America
pistia, Pistia stratiotes, Pistia stratoites, water cabbage, water lettuce - pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes
duckweed - any small or minute aquatic plant of the family Lemnaceae that float on or near the surface of shallow ponds
awlwort, Subularia aquatica - small aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal
featherfoil, feather-foil - a plant of the genus Hottonia
water pimpernel - a white-flowered aquatic plant of the genus Samolus
water milfoil - an aquatic plant of the genus Myriophyllum having feathery underwater leaves and small inconspicuous flowers
water chestnut, water chestnut plant, caltrop - a plant of the genus Trapa bearing spiny four-pronged edible nutlike fruits
bog myrtle, bogbean, buckbean, marsh trefoil, Menyanthes trifoliata, water shamrock - perennial plant of Europe and America having racemes of white or purplish flowers and intensely bitter trifoliate leaves; often rooting at water margin and spreading across the surface
Eriocaulon aquaticum, pipewort - aquatic perennial of North America and Ireland and Hebrides having translucent green leaves in a basal spiral and dense buttonlike racemes of minute white flowers
pickerel weed, pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, wampee - American plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds
Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa, water hyacinth, water orchid - a tropical floating aquatic plant having spikes of large blue flowers; troublesome in clogging waterways especially in southern United States
Heteranthera dubia, mud plantain, water star grass - grassy-leaved North American aquatic plant with yellow star-shaped blossoms
naiad, water nymph - submerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers; of fresh or brackish water
frogbit, frog's-bit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae - European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers
hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata - submersed plant with whorled lanceolate leaves and solitary axillary flowers; Old World plant naturalized in southern United States and clogging Florida's waterways
American frogbit, Limnodium spongia - American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches
waterweed - a weedy aquatic plant of genus Elodea
tape grass, Vallisneria spiralis, wild celery, eelgrass - submerged aquatic plant with ribbonlike leaves; Old World and Australia
pondweed - any of several submerged or floating freshwater perennial aquatic weeds belonging to the family Potamogetonaceae
eelgrass, grass wrack, sea wrack, Zostera marina - submerged marine plant with very long narrow leaves found in abundance along North Atlantic coasts
water starwort - any of several aquatic plants having a star-shaped rosette of floating leaves; America, Europe and Asia
golden saxifrage, golden spleen - any of various low aquatic herbs of the genus Chrysosplenium
Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Veronica michauxii, water speedwell - plant of wet places in Eurasia and America
tracheophyte, vascular plant - green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
bog plant, marsh plant, swamp plant - a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath
pad - the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)
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Wandering among the trees, which occupied a considerable extent of ground, she passed into an open space beyond, and discovered an old fish-pond, overgrown by aquatic plants. Driblets of water trickled from a dilapidated fountain in the middle.
Four servants carried in two casks covered with aquatic plants, and in each of which was breathing a fish similar to those on the table.
The surface of this lake was covered with aquatic plants, on the broad leaves of which numbers of water-snakes, drawn forth by the genial warmth of spring, were basking in the sunshine.
In the daytime they either lie among the aquatic plants, or openly feed on the turf plain.
This green, leafy free-floating aquatic plant species can rise over a meter in height above the water surface.
In 2016, he received the Aquatic Plant Management Society President's Award for research activities that have resulted in improved management strategies.
It is known that there exist differences in their chemical composition, due to the physical and chemical factors associated with the habitat of each aquatic plant, such as distribution, temperature, pH, nutrient availability, turbidity, depth, light, and physiological state of the plants (Aguilera-Morales et al., 2005; Mukherjee et al., 2010; Benjama & Masniyom, 2011).
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Researchers have developed a protocol using environmental DNA (eDNA) to identify aquatic plant diversity, making ecological biodiversity surveys of these plant communities faster and less expensive.
Carmel, IN, March 14, 2018 --( SePRO Corporation announces today the United States Federal registration of ProcellaCOR—a novel, game-changing technology for aquatic plant management.
Documentation of aquatic plant diversity is highly necessary to monitor the fragile aquatic/wetland ecosystems in Oman to design and implement appropriate conservation strategies.

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