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Related to Alai: Alia


or A·lay  (ä′lī′)
A mountain range of southwest Kyrgyzstan. A western branch of the Tien Shan, it extends about 322 km (200 mi) west from the Chinese border and rises to 5,880 m (19,291 ft).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a mountain range in central Asia, in SW Kyrgyzstan, running from the Tian Shan range in China into Tajikistan. Average height: 4800 m (16 000 ft), rising over 5850 m (19 500 ft)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Mr Alai, who appeared before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi, was told the charges are serious since they carry a life sentence penalty upon conviction.
"Jai Alai: A Cultural History of the Fastest Game in the World" deftly outlines the multifaceted history of the sport, from its beginnings in Basque country to its North American "unveiling" at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Centennial Exposition and World's Fair and to its rise and fall in popularity in the United States.
As you all know, the governor has been pushing for this to happen and I am excited to see it come to life,' added Alai.
Alai: I wrote this essay after reading the work of the Trinidadian Nobel laureate, V.
"Based on the study, the police were able to develop security strategies and plans to reduce crimes and negative phenomena by using advanced technology in crime prevention," Lt-Col Al Alai added.
Peralta, however, said PAGCOR was apparently using a 'bogus' document purporting to be PD 1869, saying the phrase 'except jai alai' does not appear in the genuine version of PD 1869 as published in the Official Gazette on Dec.
Peralta, however, countered that PAGCOR may be using a 'bogus' document purporting to be PD 1869 because the phrase 'except jai alai' does not appear in the genuine version of PD 1869 as published in the Official Gazette on Dec.
Aid targeting the affected districts in the province, such as Qara Sowa, Alai, and Oozgon, Qara Colja, Aravane, and Noqat, Chun-Alai, includes tents, blankets, mattresses, pillows, and ovens, he concluded.
Tito Alai steadfastly rejects that this book it is autobiographical, insisting with an absolute determination that none of the characters are taken from real life.
Narak Buntak, Pantang Runtop, Ingai Ungau, and Timor Bandang, my oldest acquaintances, still retained vivid memories of their childhood years spent in one of the big houses, or alai gayo, dotted around the district, either some distance from each other (such as Anak Tuno) or congregated in hamlets (such as the alai gayo of the present Mukim of Ukong).
Travel groups of doctors consisting of 9 people, including a surgeon, a pediatrician, a specialist in ultrasound, was organized in Alai district, the Ministry of Health reported on June 3.