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 Sporting. a flight of geese, 1898.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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- ALAG's total book balances at year-end from 1995 to 2017.
Following a heated meeting, during which both the Friends of Carnegie Library (FOCAL) and Aintree Library Action Group (ALAG) questioned several aspects of the council's procedures, council leader Cllr Peter Dowd called for an adjournment of the committee until next month, in order for the council to "seek further clarification and information."
Nina Alag Suri, Founder and Group CEO Nastrac Group was awarded the Most Promising Entrepreneurship Awards 2013 to commend her enterprising spirit as well as valuable contribution to the industry and the society through innovation, perseverance, fair practices and professionalism.
La jeune comedienne Meriem Alag prepare une oeuvre theatrale intitulee [beaucoup moins que]Bouzenzal[beaucoup plus grand que], (Faux bourdon), pour le compte du theatre regional de Batna.
The show's host, Salman Khan, launched the sixth season as a Parivarik season with a Gujarati tagline - Alag che!
Pairwise linear associations (Spearman correlation coefficients) were detected between [N.sub.2]O emission and soil water content, soil temperature, soil water content at alag of l week and 1 month, and soil temperature at a lag of 1 week and 1 month respectively.
He was a coorganizer of several events on this topic, such as the European Workshop on Multiagent Systems (EUMAS'05), the Belgian-Dutch conference on AI (BNAIC'05 and '09), and workshops on adaptive and learning agents (EGTMAS'03, LAMAS'05, ALAMAS'07, ALAg and ALAMAS'08, ALA'09).
dogaira wetpur and alag dances of the Eastern Islands; mawa dances of the Western Islands), mortuary (e.g.
I AM writing in the hope that, through the pages of your newspaper, I can trace the surviving relatives of former RAF Flt Sgt Albert Raymond Byrne NAV15Y8228 POW No 1292 St Alag 344 at Lamsdorf.