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Related to Aeonium: Aeonium haworthii
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Noun1.Aeonium - a genus of plants of the family Crassulaceae
plant genus - a genus of plants
Crassulaceae, family Crassulaceae, stonecrop family - succulent shrubs and herbs
Aeonium haworthii, pinwheel - perennial subshrub of Tenerife having leaves in rosettes resembling pinwheels
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Plants to consider for this type of installation include aeonium, echeverias, juncus, kalanchoe, loropetalum, restio, and sedum.
Bark relatively high in water storage is shown in Aeonium arboreum, Cereus repandus, Chorisia speciosa, Crassula argentea, Euphorbia pentagona, Ficus elastica, Nicotiana glauca, Leptosyne (Coreopsis) gigantea, Pereskia aculeata, Portulacaria afra, and Ricinus communis.
Aeonium succulents bring unusual form and colour to the garden
7 m, subespontanea en ambiente ruderal (Sisymbrietalia officinalis), en unas instalaciones con montajes electricos y acompanada, entre otras plantas, de la tambien xenofita Aeonium haworthii, 12-VI-2015, X.
the subterranean parts of Sedum roseum as well as the leaves of Aeonium arboreum Webb & Berthel.
Tambien existen ejemplos de plantas no americanas; dentro de la familia Crassulaceae, se han naturalizado en la peninsula iberica dos endemismos locales de las islas Canarias del genero Aeonium (Guillot et al., 2009a): Aeonium haworthii, que se encuentra restringido al norte de la isla de Tenerife (Nyffeler, 2003) y Aeonium percarneum, de distribucion restringida a la isla de Gran Canaria (Nyffeler, 2003).
BEFORE | I went away, I recovered a tray of little Aeonium 'Zwartkop' out from under the summer undergrowth to a place of safety.
RESCUE MISSION: Before I went away, I recovered a tray of little Aeonium 'Zwartkop' out from under the summer undergrowth to a place of safety.
Bloom, here, was influenced by black and white imagery of Aeonium cacti.