

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
ACROOKED solicitor swindled almost PS1m from the estates of dead clients, a court has heard.
ACROOKED Birmingham couple who defrauded the Royal Mail by "washing" used stamps and selling them on eBay as new have both been jailed.
ACROOKED building firm boss who masterminded a PS1.2million fraud and splashed the cash on a lavish home and luxury cars is now behind bars.
ACROOKED pub where your pint slides `up' the counter, a bar with a canal running through it and a tavern constructed like a pack of cards.
ACROOKED lawyer who sold non-existent Justin Bieber concert tickets is facing jail after admitting a PS10,000 fraud.
ACROOKED funeral director jailed for stealing money relatives had paid him to bury their loved ones has been back before the court after taking items from a pub he was running.
ACROOKED car salesman cheated customers out of almost PS100,000 by getting them to invest in bogus schemes to buy and sell traded-in cars.
ACROOKED DHL courier diverted mobile phones to a crime gang behind a massive premium rate scam, a court heard.
ACROOKED accountant has been jailed for fleecing a Birmingham charity out of PS115,000.
ACROOKED financier made nearly pounds 1m from a mortgage fraud a court heard.
Acrooked finance manager who stole PS1 million from the Crown Prosecution Service had no professional finance qualifications for her key role within the organisation.
ACROOKED boss who masterminded a near pounds 1m fraud at a North East engineering firm was today beginning a three-and-a-half year sentence behind bars.