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(Biography) 1882–1963, Moroccan chief who led revolts against Spain and France, surrendered before their combined forces in 1926, but later formed the North African independence movement
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References in periodicals archive ?
Oteyza, que gozo de fama y popularidad en los anos anteriores a la Guerra Civil, alcanzo gran renombre antes de lanzarse a la novela y a los libros de viajes como consecuencia del exito periodistico de la cronica de su encuentro y entrevista con el lider rebelde marroqui Abd-El-Krim, publicada bajo el titulo Abd-El-Krim y los prisioneros (1922).
Moreover, a large army from the French Zone to the south had to help the Spaniards defeat Emir Abd-el-Krim, who had the support of sixty-six indigenous tribes and clans.
But the most extensive use of the Tirailleurs within Morocco occurred between 1924 and 1926 against Abd-el-Krim during the Rif rebellion.