Abd Allah

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Abd Allah

(æbd ˈælə)
(Biography) 1846–99, Sudanese leader; he led the uprising against the Egyptian government of Sudan; defeated by Kitchener in 1898
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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AL Tawil praised the prime minister Abd Allah Hamdok remarks of abiding to competent and giving the woman positive discrimination in recognition to her influential role during December Revolution.
(5) More recently, in March 2014, Abu Muhammad al-'Adnani, a commander in the self-styled Islamic State, challenged to a mubahala his foe, a leader in the Qaeda-affiliated Nusra front known as Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shami, in response to the latter's branding members of the Islamic State as Kharijis.
Dans la crUu[c]ation audiovisuelle, deux laurUu[c]ats ont dUu[c]crochUu[c] le prix, Uu savoir Mostapha Zaoui pour son film Uo[beaucoup moins que] travailleur dae1/4aohier Uo[beaucoup plus grand que] alors que le second a Uu[c]tUu[c] remportUu[c] par Abd Allah Alian Uo[beaucoup moins que] Nostalgie de Hussein Dey Uo[beaucoup plus grand que].
Al-Ahly entered the game with a massive attacking line of Walid Azarro, Walid Soliman, Salah Mohsen and Junior Ajayi, as they missed Abd Allah El Said and Ahmed Hamoudi due to injury.
Other paradigms of what can be called an early Sunni isolationism (i'tizal) of neutrality and disengagement in the midst of civil strife among the Companions were 'Abd Allah b.
According to Daker Abd Allah, a member of the board of directors of the Egyptian Federation For Construction & Building Contractors, banks require that small companies be granted 3-year budget transfers, which was established three years ago and applies to the largest segment of these companies.
As sniper fire whizzed past us, I could not help but recall the historic tale of the Siege of Mecca, when Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr and his remaining loyal followers (two of his sons defected to the rival Umayyad Caliphate) made a last stand at Kaaba, Islam's holiest shrine, where they fought to the death.
Later, he managed to escape from Rome and came to Makkah where he became a representative of 'Abd Allah b.
Israeli authorities announced the arrest of Wahid Abd Allah Barsh, 38, an engineer at the UN Development Program and claimed in the indictment brought against him that based on a high-level member of Hamas he funneled resources, 300 tons of the destruction rubble left after Israeli aggression on the Strip in 2014, to Hamas.
Kadhim Finjan will be under the leadership and guidance of the tanker Panamanian (Cora) of sidewalks liquid gas to the sea for the experience of the Iraqi ports company in providing safe navigation for the passage of this supertanker safely across our navigation passage in the Khawr Abd Allah and Khor Al-Zubair.
Mutassim Al Nofli (10) ended up second and behind him were Abd Allah Naser Al Sulimani (9), Khalid Al Ghaithi (8), Mohamed Tamim Al Hinai (3) and Azam (0).