yellow belly

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yellow belly

(Peoples) dialect a native of Lincolnshire, esp of the fens
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"As we started to check, bits and pieces had gone missing - a bag of Yellow Belly Gummy Snakes which we buy in bulk.
The recent dispute over Yellow Belly ale is one case in point.
The brewery's name pays homage to the nickname Yellow Belly bestowed upon the Wexford townsfolk.
I SYMPATHISE with Barbara Dunn and HS of Solihull over their concern about the discipline and respect of today's young, but I am afraid the worst is yet to come because we have no corporal punishment, soft judges, cosy prisons and yellow belly governments who give in to those with the biggest mouth.
Boundary just did an anniversary beer in cahoots with top operators White Hag and Yellow Belly which is 8.5.
About five hours after the bailiffs moved in, all five - who called themselves Wayne, Ste, Yellow Belly, Liz and Cookie, - had been removed.
"The new species has a bright white belly and white whites of the eyes, whereas the species that I thought it was-its closest relative-has a lemon yellow belly and yellow whites of the eyes," Rowley told AFP.
SOMETIMES in life you simply have to throw up your hands and say 'I give up.' There's absolutely nothing wrong with rolling over, showing your yellow belly, turning tail or throwing in the towel.
Observation with 10x42 binoculars revealed an obvious yellow belly. According to closer inspection with 40x spotting scope we can describe the bird as follows: Feathers on back, head and chest were dark metallic green.
The pencil-thin ring-naked snake is easily identified by its bright yellow belly and distinct yellow collar behind its head.
Yellow Belly is staging Flawed Genius at Greenfield Community and Arts Centre, Newton Aycliffe tonight from 7pm.
Touring company Yellow Belly will take their Flawed Genius to Greenfield Community Centre on November 4 and Dipton on November 5, while Quondam Theatre Company stages Black Diamonds at Dipton on November 8.