wool bale

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wool bale

(Textiles) Austral and NZ a standard-sized jute, flax, etc, cubical container of compressed wool weighing over 100 kg when containing fleece or lamb's wool and weighing 204 kg when containing oddments
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* Illawarra Technology Corporation, whose Microwave Wool Bale Warmer provides a convenient and easy way to soften and expand bales which have been stored for long periods or those highly compressed;
A recent example of an industrial use for microwave heating is the microwave wool bale warmer.
The goal was to use less energy while heating the wool bale efficiently to recover some of the lost pot of gold.
Damascus, SANA_ A truck loaded with wool bales in which there are secret caches used to smuggle antique coins and precious stones was seized.
After playing out as a boy in local fields or sliding down the tarpaulin covered wool bales at a local mill, my skin was often black and bright.
Many of these expeditions relied on some camel transport Camels were still to be seen loaded with wool bales loping between some of these stations and the rail head until the mid 1930s.
With the Chinese New Year now underway, the BWMB hopes wool exports will lift, aided by the weak pound in a market where wool bales are bought in dollars.
We have also developed a wide range of inks for applications as diverse as coding wool bales, stencil inks, aerosol inks and anti-glare inks for building insulation."
The spokesman added: "Because the wool bales were so tightly packed it would have been hard for them to burn because there was no air in them.