women's room

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women's room

A restroom for women.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

women's room

n baño de mujeres or damas
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
When Minerva had done all this she went away, whereon the maids came in from the women's room and woke Penelope with the sound of their talking.
Seeing, then, that she was not within, he stood on the threshold of the women's rooms and said, "Women, tell me, and tell me true, where did Andromache go when she left the house?
Other amenities such a prayer room, a women's room and parking spaces for up to 120 cars will also be provided.
The gunman reportedly targeted the men's prayer room in the mosque, then moved to the women's room. A second mosque in the suburb of Linwood has also been evacuated, and the police commissioner said "multiple fatalities" were recorded at two locations.
Two schoolgirls gripped each other's hands in support and sobbed as Muslim prayers drifted through the speakers of the women's room at Dar Al Hadi Foundation, in Ardwick.
A worker charged at the Dubai Court of First Instance with molesting a sleeping Filipina after he allegedly sneaked into a women's room, was cleared of a sexual harassment charge on Wednesday.
It includes a main prayer hall, a mezzanine and three imams' homes and a Qur'an memorisation centre, while the other mosque located in the south-west side of Rawdat Al Hamama, has a capacity of 1,588 and includes a main prayer hall (men), a women's room and two imams' homes.
Lovicott said police believe he was in the women's room for around 14 minutes.
I go in the women's room. I seldom get a second glance.
1990: In a case dubbed "Pottygate," Denise Wells, 33, stands trial in Texas for using a men's room at a concert venue to avoid long lines at the women's room. She is acquitted, but not before hundreds of women offer to pay her fine.
"Female students who don't mind sharing a restroom with men - as some frequently do at rock concerts, and even at some sporting events, when lines to the women's room get too long - now don't have to wait, or look around for the nearest female restroom," argues Banzhaf.

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