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v. won (wŭn), win·ning, wins
1. To achieve victory or finish first in a competition.
2. To achieve success in an effort or venture: struggled to overcome the handicap and finally won.
1. To achieve victory or finish first in: won the race.
2. To receive as a prize or reward for performance: won a gold medal.
a. To achieve or obtain by effort: win concessions in negotiations.
b. To gain (respect or love, for example) by effort: won their loyalty. See Synonyms at earn.
4. To make (one's way) with effort.
5. To reach with difficulty: The ship won a safe port.
6. To take in battle; capture: won the heights after a fierce attack.
a. To succeed in gaining the affection or loyalty of (someone): He wooed and won her.
b. To succeed in gaining the favor or support of; prevail on: Her eloquence won over the audience.
a. To discover and open (a vein or deposit) in mining.
b. To extract from a mine or from mined ore.
a. A victory, especially in a competition.
b. First place in a competition.
2. An amount won or earned.
Phrasal Verbs:
win out
To succeed or prevail.
win through
To overcome difficulties and attain a desired goal or end.
win the day
To be successful.

[Middle English winnen, from Old English winnan, to fight, strive; see wen- in Indo-European roots.]

win′less adj.
win′na·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, wins, winning or won
1. (General Sporting Terms) (intr) to achieve first place in a competition
2. (General Sporting Terms) (tr) to gain or receive (a prize, first place, etc) in a competition
3. (tr) to succeed in or gain (something) with an effort: we won recognition.
4. to achieve recognition in some field of endeavour
5. (Historical Terms) history to be knighted
6. to gain victory or triumph in (a battle, argument, etc)
7. (tr) to earn or procure (a living, etc) by work
8. (Military) (tr) to take possession of, esp violently; capture: the Germans never won Leningrad.
9. (when: intr, foll by out, through, etc) to reach with difficulty (a desired condition or position) or become free, loose, etc, with effort: the boat won the shore; the boat won through to the shore.
10. (tr) to turn someone into (a supporter, enemy, etc): you have just won an ally.
11. (tr) to gain (the sympathy, loyalty, etc) of someone
12. (tr) to obtain (a woman, etc) in marriage
13. (Mining & Quarrying) (tr)
a. to extract (ore, coal, etc) from a mine
b. to extract (metal or other minerals) from ore
c. to discover and make (a mineral deposit) accessible for mining
14. you can't win informal an expression of resignation after an unsuccessful attempt to overcome difficulties
15. informal a success, victory, or triumph
16. profit; winnings
17. (Horse Racing) the act or fact of reaching the finishing line or post first
[Old English winnan; related to Old Norse vinna, German gewinnen]
ˈwinnable adj


vb (tr) , wins, winning, won or winned
1. (Agriculture) to dry (grain, hay, peat, etc) by exposure to sun and air
2. (Agriculture) a less common word for winnow
[Old English, perhaps a variant of winnow]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. won, win•ning,
n. v.i.
1. to finish first in a race, contest, or the like.
2. to succeed by striving or effort (sometimes fol. by out): His finer nature won out.
3. to gain the victory; overcome an adversary: The home team won.
4. to succeed in reaching (a place, condition, etc.), esp. by great effort: They won the shore through a violent storm.
5. to get by effort, as through labor or competition: She won the post after years of striving.
6. to gain (a prize, fame, etc.).
7. to be successful in (a game, battle, etc.).
8. to make (one's way), as by effort or ability.
9. to attain or reach (a point, goal, etc.).
10. to gain (favor, love, consent, etc.), as by qualities or influence.
11. to gain the favor, regard, or adherence of.
12. to gain the consent or support of; persuade (often fol. by over): The speech won them over to our side.
13. to persuade to marry one.
14. a victory, as in a game or horse race.
15. the position of the competitor who comes in first, esp. in a horse race. Compare place (def. 24b), show (def. 26).
[before 900; Middle English winnen (v.), Old English winnan to work, fight, bear, c. Old Saxon, Old High German winnan]
win′na•ble, adj.
syn: See gain1.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- Its Germanic base gave it its first meaning, "to labor, strive, work."
See also related terms for strive.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'win'

If you win a war, fight, game, or contest, you defeat your opponent. The past tense and -ed participle of win is won /wʌn/.

We won the game easily.
The party had won a great victory.
2. 'defeat' and 'beat'

Don't say that someone 'wins' an enemy or opponent. In a war or battle, you say that one side defeats the other.

The French defeated the English troops.

In a game or contest, you say that one person or side defeats or beats the other.

He defeated his rival in the semi-finals and went on to win the tournament.
She beat him at chess.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: won
Gerund: winning

I win
you win
he/she/it wins
we win
you win
they win
I won
you won
he/she/it won
we won
you won
they won
Present Continuous
I am winning
you are winning
he/she/it is winning
we are winning
you are winning
they are winning
Present Perfect
I have won
you have won
he/she/it has won
we have won
you have won
they have won
Past Continuous
I was winning
you were winning
he/she/it was winning
we were winning
you were winning
they were winning
Past Perfect
I had won
you had won
he/she/it had won
we had won
you had won
they had won
I will win
you will win
he/she/it will win
we will win
you will win
they will win
Future Perfect
I will have won
you will have won
he/she/it will have won
we will have won
you will have won
they will have won
Future Continuous
I will be winning
you will be winning
he/she/it will be winning
we will be winning
you will be winning
they will be winning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been winning
you have been winning
he/she/it has been winning
we have been winning
you have been winning
they have been winning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been winning
you will have been winning
he/she/it will have been winning
we will have been winning
you will have been winning
they will have been winning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been winning
you had been winning
he/she/it had been winning
we had been winning
you had been winning
they had been winning
I would win
you would win
he/she/it would win
we would win
you would win
they would win
Past Conditional
I would have won
you would have won
he/she/it would have won
we would have won
you would have won
they would have won
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a victory (as in a race or other competition)win - a victory (as in a race or other competition); "he was happy to get the win"
first-place finish - a finish in first place (as in a race)
triumph, victory - a successful ending of a struggle or contest; "a narrow victory"; "the general always gets credit for his army's victory"; "clinched a victory"; "convincing victory"; "the agreement was a triumph for common sense" - something won (especially money)win - something won (especially money)  
financial gain - the amount of monetary gain - be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
romp - win easily; "romp a race"
carry - be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
take - obtain by winning; "Winner takes all"; "He took first prize"
sweep - win an overwhelming victory in or on; "Her new show dog swept all championships"
carry - win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
triumph, prevail - prove superior; "The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight"
take the cake - rank first; used often in a negative context; "He takes the cake for chutzpah!"
lose - fail to win; "We lost the battle but we won the war" - win something through one's effortswin - win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"
acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
cozen - cheat or trick; "He cozened the money out of the old man"
lose - fail to get or obtain; "I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad" - obtain advantages, such as points, - obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
steal - steal a base
rack up, score, tally, hit - gain points in a game; "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season" - attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
hit - hit the intended target or goal
bring off, carry off, manage, negociate, pull off - be successful; achieve a goal; "She succeeded in persuading us all"; "I managed to carry the box upstairs"; "She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it"; "The pianist negociated the difficult runs"
clear, pass - go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
hit the jackpot, luck out - succeed by luck; "I lucked out and found the last parking spot in the lot"
nail down, peg, nail - succeed in obtaining a position; "He nailed down a spot at Harvard"
make it, pass - go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"
run - make without a miss
work, act - have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought"; "How does your idea work in practice?"; "This method doesn't work"; "The breaks of my new car act quickly"; "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"
pan out - be a success; "The idea panned out"
achieve, attain, accomplish, reach - to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"
go far, make it, arrive, get in - succeed in a big way; get to the top; "After he published his book, he had arrived"; "I don't know whether I can make it in science!"; "You will go far, my boy!"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. be victorious in, succeed in, prevail in, come first in, finish first in, be the victor in, gain victory in, achieve first place in He does not have any reasonable chance of winning the election.
be victorious in lose, fail in, suffer defeat in
2. be victorious, succeed, triumph, overcome, prevail, conquer, come first, finish first, carry the day, sweep the board, take the prize, gain victory, achieve mastery, achieve first place, carry all before you Our team is confident of winning again this year.
be victorious lose, fall, fail, suffer loss, suffer defeat
3. gain, get, receive, land, catch, achieve, net, earn, pick up, bag (informal), secure, collect, obtain, acquire, accomplish, attain, procure, come away with The first correct entry will win the prize.
gain lose, miss, forfeit
1. victory, success, triumph, conquest Arsenal's run of eight games without a win
victory beating, loss, defeat, failure, downfall, washout (informal)
win someone over or round convince, influence, attract, persuade, convert, charm, sway, disarm, allure, prevail upon, bring or talk round He had won over a significant number of his opponents.
win through succeed, make it (informal), triumph, do well, thrive, flourish, be successful, make good, prosper, make the grade (informal), make your mark (informal), gain your end Stick to your principles, and you will win through.
"You can't win them all"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To acquire as a result of one's behavior or effort:
Informal: rate.
2. To obtain possession or control of:
Slang: cop.
3. To come into possession of:
Informal: land, pick up.
4. To receive, as wages, for one's labor:
Informal: pull down.
Idioms: earn a living, earn one's keep.
phrasal verb
win over
To cause (another) to believe or feel sure about something:
The act of conquering:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
نَصْر، فَوْز، نَجاحيَرْبَح، يَفوز، يَكْسَب، يَنْتَصِريَفُوزُيَكْتَسِب، يَحْصَل على، يُحَقِّقيَكْسَب، يَفوز
ávinna sér, vinna tilsigra , vinnasigurvinna
finišo stulpaslaimėjimasnugalėti visus sunkumuspalenkti į savo pusęsavo pasiekti
chiến thắng


[wɪn] (won (vb: pt, pp))
A. Nvictoria f, triunfo m
another win for Castroforteotra victoria or otro triunfo para el Castroforte
their fifth win in a rowsu quinta victoria consecutiva, su quinto triunfo consecutivo
last Sunday's win against or over Pakistanla victoria del domingo frente a or sobre Pakistán
to back a horse for a winapostar dinero por un caballo para que gane la/una carrera
I had a win on the lotterygané la lotería
see also no-win
1. (= be victorious in) [+ competition, bet, war, election] → ganar
you can't win them allno siempre se puede ganar
to win the day (Mil) → triunfar (fig) → triunfar, imponerse
pragmatism will probably win the dayal final triunfará or se impondrá el pragmatismo
the government finally won the day after a heated debatefinalmente el gobierno triunfó or se impuso tras un debate acalorado
see also spur A1
2. (= be awarded) [+ cup, award, prize, title] → ganar; [+ contract, order] → obtener, conseguir
the party won a convincing victory at the pollsel partido consiguió or obtuvo una victoria convincente en las elecciones
3. (= obtain) [+ pay rise, promotion] → conseguir, ganarse; [+ support, friendship, recognition] → ganarse; [+ metal, ore] → extraer (from de) how to win friends and influence peoplecómo ganarse amigos e influenciar a las personas
to win a reputation for honestygranjearse or ganarse una reputación de persona honrada
to win sb sth: it won him first prizele valió or le ganó el primer premio
this manoeuvre won him the time he neededesta maniobra le ganó el tiempo que necesitaba
to win sth from sbganar algo a algn
he won five pounds from her at cardsle ganó cinco libras jugando a cartas
new land won from the marshesnuevas tierras ganadas a los pantanos
to win sb's hand (in marriage)obtener la mano de algn (en matrimonio) (frm)
to win sb's heartconquistar a algn
to win sb to one's causeganar a algn para la causa de uno, atraer a algn a la causa de uno
4. (= reach) [+ shore] → llegar a, alcanzar; [+ goal] → conseguir
he won his way to the top of his profession(a base de trabajar duro) consiguió llegar a la cima de su profesión
5. (Mil) (= capture) → tomar
C. VI (in war, sport, competition) → ganar
who's winning?¿quién va ganando?
go in and win!¡a ganar!
he has a good chance of winningtiene muchas posibilidades de hacerse con la victoria or de ganar
OK, you winvale, ganas
Evans won 2-6, 6-4, 6-3Evans ganó 2-6, 6-4, 6-3
she always wins at cardssiempre gana a las cartas
to win by a head/a lengthganar por una cabeza/un largo
to play to winjugar a ganar
you can't win whatever you say, you're always wrong, you can't windigas lo que digas, ellos siempre tienen razón, ¡no hay manera!
to win hands downganar de forma aplastante
win back VT + ADV [+ trophy] → recobrar; [+ support, confidence] → volver a ganarse; [+ land] → reconquistar, volver a conquistar; [+ gambling loss, job] → recuperar; [+ voters, girlfriend, boyfriend] → volver a conquistar a
I won the money back from himrecuperé el dinero que me ganó
win out VI + ADVtriunfar, imponerse
tiredness won outtriunfó or se impuso el cansancio
she won out over six other candidatesse impuso a otros seis candidatos
win over, win round VT + ADVconvencer
eventually we won him over to our point of viewpor fin lo convencimos de que teníamos razón
they are hoping to win over undecided votersesperan ganarse a los votantes indecisos
win through VI + ADV
1. (= succeed) → triunfar
stick to your principles and you will win throughmantente firme a tus principios y al final triunfarás
2. (Sport) she won through to the second roundganó y pasó a la segunda ronda
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈwɪn] [won] (pt, pp)
(= be victorious in) [+ election, race, match] → gagner; [+ battle, war] → gagner; [+ lottery, draw, raffle] → gagner à
Who won the race? → Qui a gagné la course?
That's the car I'd buy if I won the lottery! → Voilà la voiture que j'achèterais si je gagnais à la loterie!
(= get) [+ prize, contract] → gagner; [+ money] → gagner; [+ medal] → gagner
The first correct entry wins the prize → La première bonne réponse gagne le prix.
(= acquire) [+ popularity, support] → s'attirer
The government is just attempting to win popularity → Le gouvernement tente juste de s'attirer la popularité.
We won two-nil → Nous avons gagné deux zéro.
Did you win? → Est-ce que tu as gagné?
Their side was winning
BUT Leur équipe menait.
you can't win (= you're sure to fail) → on ne peut pas gagner
n (= victory) → victoire f
They've had seven wins in a row → Ils ont sept victoires d'affilée à leur actif.
win over
(British) vt sepconvaincre
She won him over with her sweet smile → Elle l'a convaincu avec son doux sourire.
Not all my staff agree but I am winning them over → Tous mes employés ne sont pas d'accord mais je suis en train de les convaincre.
to win sb over to one's cause → gagner qn à sa cause
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vb: pret, ptp <won>
nSieg m; to back a horse for a winauf den Sieg eines Pferdes setzen; to have a win (money) → einen Gewinn machen; (victory) → einen Sieg erzielen; to play for a winauf Sieg spielen
race, prize, battle, election, money, bet, sympathy, support, friends, glorygewinnen; reputationerwerben; scholarship, contractbekommen; victoryerringen; to win somebody’s heart/love/handjds Herz/Liebe/Hand gewinnen; he tried to win herer versuchte, sie für sich zu gewinnen; it won him the first prizees brachte ihm den ersten Preis ein; to win something from or off (inf) somebodyjdm etw abgewinnen
(= obtain, extract)gewinnen; the oil won from the North Seadas aus der Nordsee gewonnene Öl; land won from the seadem Meer abgewonnenes Land
(liter: = reach with effort) shore, summiterreichen
(in race, election, argument etc) → gewinnen, siegen; if winning becomes too importantwenn das Siegen or das Gewinnen zu wichtig wird; OK, you win, I was wrongokay, du hast gewonnen, ich habe mich geirrt; whatever I do, I just can’t winegal, was ich mache, ich machs immer falsch
(liter) to win freesich freikämpfen, sich befreien
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[wɪn] (won (vb: pt, pp))
1. n (in sports) → vittoria
their fifth win in a row → la quinta vittoria consecutiva
2. vt (battle, race, cup, prize) → vincere; (victory) → conquistare, aggiudicarsi; (sympathy, popularity, support, friendship) → conquistare, ottenere; (person) → accattivarsi, conquistare; (contract) → aggiudicarsi
I won £20 from him → gli ho vinto 20 sterline
to win sb's favour/heart → conquistare il favore/cuore di qn
she won it at tennis → l'ha vinto a tennis
it won him first prize → gli ha valso il primo premio
to win the day (Mil) (fig) → avere il sopravvento
3. vivincere
O.K., you win (fam) → va bene, ti do ragione
win back vt + advriconquistare
win over win round vt + advconvincere
we won him over to our point of view → l'abbiamo convinto ad accettare il nostro punto di vista
win out win through vi + advuscirne vittorioso/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(win) present participle ˈwinning: past tense, past participle won (wan) verb
1. to obtain (a victory) in a contest; to succeed in coming first in (a contest), usually by one's own efforts. He won a fine victory in the election; Who won the war/match?; He won the bet; He won (the race) in a fast time / by a clear five metres.
2. to obtain (a prize) in a competition etc, usually by luck. to win first prize; I won $5 in the crossword competition.
3. to obtain by one's own efforts. He won her respect over a number of years.
a victory or success. She's had two wins in four races.
ˈwinner noun
ˈwinning adjective
1. victorious or successful. the winning candidate.
2. attractive or charming. a winning smile.
ˈwinning-post noun
in horse-racing, a post marking the place where a race finishes.
win over
to succeed in gaining the support and sympathy of. At first he refused to help us but we finally won him over.
win the day
to gain a victory; to be successful.
win through
to succeed in getting (to a place, the next stage etc). It will be a struggle, but we'll win through in the end.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَفُوزُ vyhrát vinde gewinnen κερδίζω ganar voittaa gagner pobijediti vincere 勝つ 이기다 winnen vinne wygrać vencer побеждать vinna ชนะ kazanmak chiến thắng 赢得
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi. ganar, vencer.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Of course, during the season, some madman or another may make his appearance--generally an Englishman, or an Asiatic, or a Turk--and (as had happened during the summer of which I write) win or lose a great deal; but, as regards the rest of the crowd, it plays only for petty gulden, and seldom does much wealth figure on the board.
Still, the desire to win the axe was foremost in his mind, for no woman had entered there, who when she enters drives out all other desire--ay, my father, even that of good weapons.
(1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
'Quite possibly,' continued McCay, 'he has told her that he will win this championship.'
Anne no longer wished to win for the sake of defeating Gilbert; rather, for the proud consciousness of a well-won victory over a worthy foeman.
Many historians say that the French did not win the battle of Borodino because Napoleon had a cold, and that if he had not had a cold the orders he gave before and during the battle would have been still more full of genius and Russia would have been lost and the face of the world have been changed.
When he ultimately got past my defence, with a jumpy one which broke awkwardly from the off, I had fetched twenty-three so that he needed twenty to win, a longer hand than he had ever yet made.
He meant to belong to it, for her sake - to win her!
Repugnance would have been surmounted by the immense need to win, if chance would be kind enough to let him.
"Oh, I KNEW it would win the prize -- I was sure of it.
His object was, however, to be victorious, and not to win money.
And each of these knew the part that he was to play, win or lose, as did each of the other Black players.