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[ˈwɪndʒɪŋ] (Brit)
A. ADJ [voice] → quejumbroso; [person] → protestón, quejica
B. Ngimoteo m, lloriqueo m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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For decades, English migrants have been derided Down Under as "whingeing Poms," a derogatory term meaning they complain too much about Australia.
Actor Craig Ryder, who is the producer and director of Whingeing Women, has certainly whipped up a frenzy over his saucy production, loosely inspired by novelist EL James' 50 Shades of Grey.
PORTO midfielder Ruben Micael has told Arsenal to end their whingeing - and said he's ready to dump Arsene Wenger out of the Champions League.
Leipzig firm Nutzwerk have banned whingeing at work and people who get jobs there have to agree to be in a good mood as part of their contract.
IN response to those people who use the pejorative term "whingeing Scousers" to attack Liverpool folk who have the cheek to express their opinion.
COME on, Glyn Howells, you can do better than that I was one of the whingeing farmers who visited the Hybu Cig Cymu stand in Paris.
Transport Minister Kim Howells caused fury last week when he dismissed calls for transport investment here as "whingeing".
The whingeing Ockers are scared stiff of us at last.
SIR JOHN ROBB, who will play a pivotal role in agreeing a deal on racing's future funding in his position as Levy Board deputy chairman, has spoken out at the "whingeing" of racehorse owners.
Not a day has passed since the victim of sex beast Danny Foley bravely told her story and already some locals in Listowel are whingeing about their town being dragged through the mud.
NEVER mind the whingeing Poms, what about the whingeing Aussies?
I can definitely agree with David Henshaw's assessment of whingeing Scousers when he says Liverpool could do better regarding culture and the city.